Monday, January 17, 2011

Explanation of Posts #2 and #3

For a simple message, we chose to avtivate the peripheral route processing. We chose to use a lot of distractors. Our distractors were many images relating to our topic.

We used a two sided argument to evoke the central route processing to get people to think.

Central Route Proccessing Message

Argument: Everybody should drive a hybrid car
Response: Not all types of vehicles are hybrids what about people who drive trucks and other larger vehicles who are dependent on them for work purposes.
Argument: There are alternative sources to fuel the larger vehicles that cause envirnonment damage. Wind turbines, solar energy pannels, water turbines are being used as other sources of energy. Another way to solve this problem is to use a hybrid truck.

GO GREEN!!! Drive a Hybrid Car.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Our Survey

Our Survey

Fear Message

Excessive use of gasoline harms the enviroment everyday.This damage is being done faster than we can undo it. Nature,Humans,Plants and Animals alike are harmend due to the burning of fossil fuels

Stop now or our future generations will never see the earth the way it should be.Forests will be burt down, islands will be submerged, ecological systems breakdown, humans will have higher health problems

Do your part in protecting the environment. Return the Earth back to the way it was.

Turn off all the lights before you exit the room.
Use a bicycle to travel short distances, it is healthy too.
Try to carpool to work and save money.
Unplug all electronical devices when they are not used, use a multistation.
Buy smart cars and hybrids as they are fuel efficient and they save you money.

Explanations of Messages

Trustworthy Communicator (classical conditioning):

The idea here is to associate our produce with another credible communicator, where previously we used people attractive and credible. Here, we chose Abe Lincoln who is considered to be one of the most honest and trustworthy people over the last hundred years. By linking his image with our product, we aim to instill the idea of trust in people's minds promising them we offer a clean, gas efficeient product.

Credible Communicator (classical conditioning):

We decided that we were going to choose Al Gore to be our credible person. He is already a big advocate for going green in our country. He is very involved in the global warming and the gasoline admissions destroying our atmosphere. We believe his credibility and knowledge on this subject is very well known throughout the country. We believe that he is potentially an expert on this subject so the public will feel comfortable listening to his words of wisdom.

Attractive Communicator (classical conditioning):

The message that we are trying to portray is that attractive people drive smart cars. If we put Angelina Jolie next to the smart car, the idea is to condition people to believe that pretty people are associated with going green and driving smart cars. This goes along with the idea of classical conditioning which pairs your product you are trying to advertise with an already positive person place or thing.

"Beautiful people drive smart cars."

Behavioral Conditioning:

This idea here is to condition people to treat their environment better. What we are trying to persuade to our audience to not use too much gas. We want our audience to be encouraged to conserve gasoline by using alternatives. By associating the behavior of conserving gasoline with a clean world.

"Go Green!"

Subliminal Messages:

All of our picutres and videos will have subliminal messages stressing the importance of gasoline conservation. This is how we will persuade our audience by discretely placing in the idea of keeping the environment clean while cutting down their gas intake.


In order to repeat the message to our audience, we will show a bunch of green apples showing them that we want them to go green. By telling our audience over and over again that it is important to conserve gas eventually they will understand the severity of the situation at hand.


A message that we can use to show intensity would be an image displaying the potential dangers of oil spills and their harm to the environment and the aquatic system. Off shore drilling should be avoided completely so there is no risk factor of wasting our natural resource while harming animals inhabbited in their environments.

Trustworthy Communicator

The idea here is to associate our produce with another credible communicator, where previously we used people attractive and credible. Here, we chose Abe Lincoln who is considered to be one of the most honest and trustworthy people over the last hundred years. By linking his image with our product, we aim to instill the idea of trust in people's minds promising them we offer a clean, gas efficeient product.

"Honest Abe"

Credible Communicated

We decided that we were going to choose Al Gore to be our credible person. He is already a big advocate for going green in our country. He is very involved in the global warming and the gasoline admissions destroying our atmosphere. We believe his credibility and knowledge on this subject is very well known throughout the country. We believe that he is potentially an expert on this subject so the public will feel comfortable listening to his words of wisdom.

Subliminal Messages

All of our picutres and videos will have subliminal messages stressing the importance of gasoline conservation. This is how we will persuade our audience by discretely placing in the idea of keeping the environment clean while cutting down their gas intake.


In order to repeat the message to our audience, we will show a bunch of green apples showing them that we want them to go green. By telling our audience over and over again that it is important to conserve gas eventually they will understand the severity of the situation at hand.


A message that we can use to show intensity would be an image displaying the potential dangers of oil spills and their harm to the environment and the aquatic system. Off shore drilling should be avoided completely so there is no risk factor of wasting our natural resource while harming animals inhabbited in their environments.

Everyone Loves a Clean World

This idea here is to condition people to treat their environment better. What we are trying to persuade to our audience to not use too much gas. We want our audience to be encouraged to conserve gasoline by using alternatives. By associating the behavior of conserving gasoline with a clean world.

"Go Green!"

Angelina Jolie in the Smart Car

The message that we are trying to portray is that attractive people drive smart cars. If we put Angelina Jolie next to the smart car, the idea is to condition people to believe that pretty people are associated with going green and driving smart cars. This goes along with the idea of classical conditioning which pairs your product you are trying to advertise with an already positive person place or thing.

"Beautiful people drive smart cars."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Social Engineering fixes...


People have chosen to purchase larger cars that use way too much gasoline. Because of this, advertisements and other going green campaigns have made it almost looked down upon to buy these cars and more trendy to buy more fuel efficient cars.


Most people you see on the road are in their cars by themselves, if people car pooled more often less gasoline would be used. With this, highway officials across the US have created a special lane when entering and exiting the city know as the “carpool” lane. This lane is for 2 or more people in each car and promotes a faster more economical travel.


Many people prefer to live in the suburbs which means they have to travel farther distances and not take advantage of public transportation. Because of this, public transportation has been outreaching to the suburbs and promoting itself in a more acceptable thing to do.


People are convinced that there is a never ending supply of oil. Gas is in fact a natural resource and eventually will run itself out. Across the country and internationally as well, a large stress on that idea of global warming has been made apparent to people in hopes that they can see through movies, speeches and various other ways how dangerous the pollution that comes from gasoline really is.

Technological fixes to the problem...

By just taking a look at the world economies of scale and the way things run, it is fair to say that gasoline is the glue that holds everything together and keeps things going. Without gas, no planes, trucks, or various things alike would function. This means basic travel, commerce through delivery, and every day functions would come to a serious stand still. Even houses and buildings use gas to heat up. With the world’s population on the rise drastically every day, alternatives to gas are becoming ever more important, given there is not an unlimited supply. With this, there has been a technological increase on searching for alternatives to limit such high gasoline dependency. Some examples of this can include the recent breakthroughs with the electric car, solar powered cars (less financially practical than electric), and other ethanol alternatives.
An electric car is a battery powered car run of an electric motor. Although they are not fully to the potential of regular gas-run cars yet, however they have the potential of significantly reducing pollution by not offering tail pipe emissions. Studies show that if the average US work traveling 9-5 citizen were to use an electric car, emissions of carbon dioxide would be reduced by 30%. The U.S. has pledged US $2.4 billion in federal grants for electric cars and batteries China announced it will provide the US $15 billion to initiate an electric car industry. The emergence of this car wills most likely increase gas prices since less people are buying and could in that way too serve as a deterrent to gasoline.
Also, there is the idea of solar powered cars. While these cars are also electrical, they run off a solar charge, and not an electrical one. The solar charge is obtained from solar panels on the surface, usually on the top of window. Things know as “PV” cells convert the sun’s energy into electrical energy. These vehicles are not sold in day-to-day transportation to the public due to very high financial cost. Usually, certain government agencies sponsor the science behind these and maybe someday soon the technology will be there to make them more affordable to the public.
Lastly, there is the new emergence of ethanol for gasoline alternatives. Traditionally this chemical compound has been used for things like alcohol etc, but recently it has been determined that this gas can in ways replace the use of gasoline and its dependency. Although this effectiveness of this gas has not fully been accepted and or proven, it has been said that it could potentially replace gasoline someday and if not then aid in reducing the overall dependency.

Links to Sources about the problem

History of the excessive use of gasoline

Gasoline is a natural byproduct of the petroleum industry. Kerosene is the key ingredient in gasoline. In the late 19th century coal, gas, camphene, kerosene were used as fuels but a more stable combination was required for automobile engines. Refineries were not effective in converting crude oil to gasoline fast enough to meet the demand. The technological fix for this problem was cracking. Heavy hydrocarbon molecules were broken down into simpler components by using heat, pressure and catalysts.
It is estimated that the world contains 6.4*10^15 of organic carbon out of which only 18% can be used for petroleum production.
Crude oil.
Middle East-89.6 billion tones
USA-4 Billion tones
World Reserve - 136.7 Billion tones. (Estimated to last 43.1 years)
On September 5th 1885 the first gasoline pump was manufactured by Sylvanus Bowser in Indiana with a capacity of one barrel.
On September 6th 1892 the first gasoline powered tractor was manufactured and it lasted two months.
By the early 20th century gasoline companies were using distilleries to produce gasoline as a simple distillate from petroleum.
1st January 1918 gasoline pipelines were first used to transport gasoline. A three inch pipeline was used covering 40miles.
In 1970s unleaded fuel was introduced.
In 1990s the clean air act created major changes on gasoline to eliminate pollution.
Spills, leaks or improper disposal can cause damage to soil, air, ground water and surface water. Leaking storage tanks or underground pipelines cause devastating damage to the environment. Gasoline is released into the air when being transported.
Driving a car is the most common air polluting act every human commits. Emissions from car engines increased despite attempts to reduce air pollution caused by cars. This effect is attributed to two reasons. There was an increase in the ownership of cars and cars are less fuel efficient than their counterparts a few years ago. Fuel efficiency dropped 24.6 miles per gallon and it dropped further as larger vehicles replaced smaller ones.
Gasoline has health, economic and environmental effects. The adverse health effects of cars are severe.
Typical engine combustion reaction:
Fuel + Air => Hydrocarbons + Nitrogen Oxides + Carbon Dioxide + Carbon Monoxide + water
Nitrogen oxide makes up 7.2% of the gases causing global warming. Two thirds of the carbon monoxide emissions come from transportation and the largest contribution comes from cars. In urban areas passenger contribution is as high as 90%. The Environmental protection agency (EPA) first view carbon dioxide as a perfect byproduct of combustion but it changed its views and carbon dioxide is now considered as a pollution concern.
Despite strong evidence a lot of governments all across the world avoided their responsibilities. USA is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases all across the world. US emissions increased to 7 billion in 2007. The accurate number is difficult to achieve due to a high level of variables. The businesses in United States off shored most of their emissions and are a major contribution factor in other countries emissions. The production of automobiles is the least environmentally destructive phase in its life.
Air pollution causes a variety of problems to humans and the list is exhaustive. It ranges all the way from airborne allergies to life threatening lung cancer.