Friday, January 14, 2011

Explanations of Messages

Trustworthy Communicator (classical conditioning):

The idea here is to associate our produce with another credible communicator, where previously we used people attractive and credible. Here, we chose Abe Lincoln who is considered to be one of the most honest and trustworthy people over the last hundred years. By linking his image with our product, we aim to instill the idea of trust in people's minds promising them we offer a clean, gas efficeient product.

Credible Communicator (classical conditioning):

We decided that we were going to choose Al Gore to be our credible person. He is already a big advocate for going green in our country. He is very involved in the global warming and the gasoline admissions destroying our atmosphere. We believe his credibility and knowledge on this subject is very well known throughout the country. We believe that he is potentially an expert on this subject so the public will feel comfortable listening to his words of wisdom.

Attractive Communicator (classical conditioning):

The message that we are trying to portray is that attractive people drive smart cars. If we put Angelina Jolie next to the smart car, the idea is to condition people to believe that pretty people are associated with going green and driving smart cars. This goes along with the idea of classical conditioning which pairs your product you are trying to advertise with an already positive person place or thing.

"Beautiful people drive smart cars."

Behavioral Conditioning:

This idea here is to condition people to treat their environment better. What we are trying to persuade to our audience to not use too much gas. We want our audience to be encouraged to conserve gasoline by using alternatives. By associating the behavior of conserving gasoline with a clean world.

"Go Green!"

Subliminal Messages:

All of our picutres and videos will have subliminal messages stressing the importance of gasoline conservation. This is how we will persuade our audience by discretely placing in the idea of keeping the environment clean while cutting down their gas intake.


In order to repeat the message to our audience, we will show a bunch of green apples showing them that we want them to go green. By telling our audience over and over again that it is important to conserve gas eventually they will understand the severity of the situation at hand.


A message that we can use to show intensity would be an image displaying the potential dangers of oil spills and their harm to the environment and the aquatic system. Off shore drilling should be avoided completely so there is no risk factor of wasting our natural resource while harming animals inhabbited in their environments.

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